Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dr. Horrible's Maniacal Marketing Scheme

Clever bastards.

Last Saturday, the Whedon's (Buffy, Serenity) released Act III of Dr. Horrible on their website for free viewing via Hulu. Later that same day, free Hulu streaming of the three part "tragicomic musical" ended, leaving us with only the pay-to-play iTunes downloads.

Their evil master-plan (yielding the Whedon's $1.99 a pop for each of the three parts,) has been a huge success, with Acts I, II, and III currently holding the top 3 'most-downloaded' rankings of ALL TV-Episodes on iTunes.


Unknown said...

there was a report about it on NPR. W0000t doogie

Katharine Relth said...

I heard that report! NPH is a pretty intelligent little fellow.